Weathering Hurricane Hysteria

Found a great article about the hysteria that we had last year in the wake of the hurricanes last summer. Remember all the hype saying it was all because of global warming and that this summer would be worse? Turns out that the predictions were wrong, so were the reports that there are more happening in recent years that any time in the past. Anyway, this article is a good read.


3:40 AM – hit the snooze button.
3:48 AM – hit the snooze button.
3:52 – get out of bed, Go stand on the back deck and see what constellations are out at this time of the day.
3:55 – shave & shower
4:20 – eat breakfast.
4:50 – out the door to meet Stephan, one of our alumni from this past year who needs to go to the US embassy in Toronto for 8:30 AM to get a student visa so he can continue his studies in the second year program of the Word of Life Bible Institute.
5:30 – first hint of sunrise. Saturn & Venus both visible in eastern sky.
6:40 – hit the 400 South. Going to the 401 East and the Yorkdale Mall.
7:20 – Yorkdale Mall. Make a dash to the subway station to get to downtown Toronto. Destination is 630 University Ave.
8:15 – arrive at the embassy. Tight security around this place since I was here last. Large concrete “planters” to prevent roadside blasts, remodeled steps no longer open in the front, now you have to approach them parallel to the building, again with a large concrete wall next to you, presumably to protect against attacks.
8:10 – say goodbye to Stephan. I know he will be there quite awhile, so I am taking off to see the sights and maybe a little shopping. I live 2.5 hours away from Toronto, but hardly ever come here. I’m a small town guy and don’t really like big cities. There are more people in the average building in Toronto than were in the town I grew up in..
8:19 – Looking like a tourist I snap a photo of old reflected in new. And I see that the time is 8:19.

8:20 – discover Winston Churchill frowning at Toronto City Hall. I guess I would too if a pidgin had left white streaks down the side of my face..

City Hall

8:27 – the old municipal Building has lots of interesting designs and architectural details.

Curious little faces.

8:33 – saw homeless guy sit down and start to warm himself over this vent.

8:42 – enter the Eaton Centre Mall.. everything is still closed.

The Eaton Centre Mall geese – part of a permanent art display

8:50 – head up Younge St. to a couple of camera stores I know are close.

8:54 – come across a map illustrationg that Younge St. is the longest street in the world, stretching around the Great Lakes.

1,869 KM

8:57 – Aden Camera #1 – sign says it opens at 9:00 AM. Continue heading north.

8:58 – Aden Camera #2 also not open. Why are there two Aden Camera stores 150 feet apart?? Dunno.

9:05 – see 4 foot tall crystal CN Tower in a store. So tempted to buy it for our kitchen table centre piece.. unfortunately this store is also closed.

9:07 – judging by the number of SUVs I assume that there must be a lot of people from out of town parking here. Can’t imagine a TO dweller needing one..

9:10 – Aden #1 still closed. Wandering in circles while waiting.

9:11 – A guy who asks for money for a coffee points out that while I have no cash I have a nice camera.

9:15 – camera store opens.

9:38 – 1st encounter with Chalk Master (aka Dave). Continue wandering while waiting for Stephan to call.

“Hello folks. I have returned. Today I will try to impress $940.00 of twoonies out of you so I can pay that whole rent thingie. I am fully aware that the world owes me nothing, so whether you give me a nickle or a twenty you truely have my gratitude.

Chalk Master”

10:05 – visit 2nd Aden store and then wander some more. I’m feeling even more conspicous as I don’t have headphones on.

10:52 – 2nd encounter with Chalk Master.

“Reasons to support Operation ‘Need-Rent’:
1 I love you all (except that guy who smells like soup)
2 Women would rather date a guy with an apartment
3 Ceilings and walls are great for those rainy days
4 I’ll do a magic trick for you
5 I can have a “Drunk Women Think I’m Hot” party (B.Y.O.B.)
6 Its hard to keep my dogi clean outside
7 I promise to start budgeting
8 I can start painting again
9 ’cause your my favorite
10 hmm, cant think of any more so Imma just draw something beautiful & hope you like it enough for a contribution”

11:00 – Indigo book store to get a book for Ellie and a photography posing book I’ve been looking for. Hope this will help improve student and staff portraits at WOL.
11:45 – At last! Stephan calls to say he is out of the embassy is will be waiting for me a nearby Tim Hortons. Of course I am now actually in the middle of doing something..
12:17 – Books purchased and heading out to meet Stephan. Weird dance thing going on down below is gathering a crowd.

12:22 – One last check up on Chalk Master.. looking good.

neck too long?

The inspiration

12:23 – Stumble across what is likely a previous days work for Chalk Master. I wonder what his take home would be for this..

12:32 – getting close to the US embassy. Take obligatory shot of CN Tower

12:34 – Meet up with Stephan. He is VERY excited. He got the visa and will be able to continue his Bible studies!

I get a photo of happy Stephan and the embassy while they are getting a photo of us.

12:47 – Subway back to the mall.

1:40 – Lunch at Wendy’s. Stephan celebrates by getting a Triple Burger.
2:30 – trouble staying awake. Stop to pick up Dew Fuel. Stephan sleeps most of the way.
4:20 – back in the office.
5:10 – Back home to my family!
5:15 – read Ellie’s new book while she sits on my lap. A good way to unwind.


Ellie and I both seem to have a similar sense of humour. For example, we both think I am incredibly funny.

We are also both big fans of Homestar Runner. The website features a short cartoon that is update (almost) weekly. Last week we enjoyed the 10th anniversary remake of the kids book that started this internet phenomenon. It was really good and we were both quite upset when it was over. One of us cried. I’ll let you figure out who.

Troy, Ellie, and The Cheat watch Safari Quest Adventure.

{click} Don’t forget to experience the fury of: our blooog… {click}

Health Update for Naomi

Naomi had another ultrasound and obstetrician appointment in the last week. Her OB is very happy with the baby’s development. She still wants Naomi to be very careful with her amount of activity. She gave Naomi three “milestones” that we can look forward to reaching. A normal pregnancy is about 40 weeks long. Naomi is at 23 weeks. At 24 weeks, we will take a small sigh of relief, as the baby is considered “viable” at that point, though not without many complications. At 32 weeks, we will all breathe a huge sigh of relief, as it would be safe for the baby to be born locally and our hospital is equipped for a baby born 8 weeks early. At 36 weeks, we’ll be laughing, as the baby would no longer be considered premature if born any time after that point. It was helpful to have this timeline and we pray the Lord would help us reach each of these milestones.

Naomi’s mom is here now and we appreciate her help so much. Ellie doesn’t seem to mind her mommy’s limited activity and Troy is surviving alright as well.

We appreciate so much your prayers on our behalf. As one friend reminded us, “He hath done all things well.” Mark 7:37. We rest in the knowledge of His goodness and love for us.

Troy and Naomi Johnstone