Ministry Update :: December 16, 2011

As the year comes to a close, we wanted to share with you a few stories we’ve heard over the past year. We hope your hearts will be encouraged as ours have been as we hear of those who are coming to a clear understanding of God’s Word for themselves.

The first couple stories we want to share with you take place overseas:

Belarus, using our children’s book, “The Lamb“:

“I am back from Belarus. “The Lamb” was amazing!!! We used it with about 100 Russian-speaking Belarusians ages 5-18 and they loved it!! God was so amazing during our trip and so many children finally understand what Jesus did for them and received the gift of salvation that God intends for His children.”

Thailand, using “By This Name“:

“Hi, I am currently working [with] a ministry to women in prostitution… a friend of mine referred me to “By This Name.” It is perfect for what I need–concise, clear, simple, and fitted for this culture–exactly what I want… except that it’s in English! I have two 19-year-old girls right now who have been requesting a Bible study… It’s a WIDE open opportunity and I want to make use of it… but the time also seems so short. So I thought I’d be audacious enough to ask you if there’s ANY way possible that I could have the completed chapters of the book so I could at least begin studying with them?”

[Happily, we were able to send her a full-draft edition of the Thai “By This Name.”]

Germany, using “The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus“:

“A young man from Germany was given a German copy of “The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus.” The book had such an impact on his life, he went home to Germany and invited some unsaved friends over for a weekly study. Twelve are now believers!”