No Ordinary Weekend

Over the long Family Day weekend in February, we were part of an evangelism and discipleship retreat at a local Christian camp called No Ordinary Weekend. Sponsored and hosted by some local business people, we had around 65 adults and 50 kids under the age of 10. It was an opportunity to get away from daily life and distractions, and take a dedicated time to learn more about the central message of the Bible. Even child care was looked after by some Bible school students who taught the kids using GoodSeed’s children’s evangelism book, The Lamb.

The adults covered the new “No Ordinary Story – The Series” set of books. While these books are still being worked on and are not officially published yet, we had handmade copies for everyone. Each booklet is about 43 pages long and broken into 10 chapters, with each book taking about 60 minutes to cover.

The eight main books are:

  1. No Ordinary God – Who is the God of the Bible? What is he like? (introduction to God’s character as revealed through the creation account)
  2. No Ordinary Evil – Why is there so much evil in the world? Where does it come from? ( the fall of man, sin and it’s consequences)
  3. No Ordinary Faith – Why is faith so important? What’s the big deal about trust?
  4. No Ordinary Rules – Does God keep his word? What is the right way to live? (Abraham & Isaac, Moses and Exodus, giving and purpose of the Ten Commandments)
  5. No Ordinary House – Is there a way out of this mess? What’s with the tent? (sin, works won’t do it, the sacrificial system, the Tabernacle the Prophets)
  6. No Ordinary Birth – Who was Jesus anyway? How can we be sure? (birth of Jesus, start of His ministry)
  7. No Ordinary Death – Why a Cross? Can a dead man live again? (death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus)
  8. No Ordinary Plan – Why the lamb? Is it really that simple? (putting it all together)

We also covered two other books:

  • No Ordinary Book – What’s the Big deal about the Bible?
  • No Ordinary Return – Where is Jesus now? Is he coming back to Earth again?

The No Ordinary Weekend (NOW) went very well. We were so encouraged to see so many intent on gaining a clear understanding of the Gospel. Many saw their confusion surrounding God’s Word sorted out in their minds; others crossed from death to life during their time with us. What a thrill to see the pieces fall into place for so many and lives changed for eternity! To God be the glory!

One family group came, consisting of two brothers, one with his common-law wife, and the other with a teenage daughter who was very unhappy to be there. None of them were believers. It was clear they had all done some hard living, but they were open, apart from the teenager. By the end of the first day, the young woman had done away with her resistance and had become a keen listener, along with her family. Partway through the sessions, her step-dad said he was just waiting and ready to hear how he could get to Heaven. He was so eager! As the weekend drew to a close, all four members of the family indicated that they had put their trust in what Christ had done on the cross and they are hungry for more!

We were also so impressed to see how many young people sat in the sessions, listening closely. Personally, we were thrilled to see all our children, especially our youngest (aged 10), listening intently and following along. Our girls had two young friends sitting with them who are not believers; we were excited to see those girls also following along. We are praying they will place their trust in the Lord. Please especially pray for their mom, a dear friend, as she tries to help them understand the gospel and what it means for them, as they have other close family members who are strongly opposed to the Bible’s message.

Moving forward, we have a “Next Steps” study starting next Tuesday (March 12). This study will take new believers a little deeper and help them navigate the truths of the Bible for believers. Part of our study will involve GoodSeed’s new book, “The Captive and the King’s Will,” which follows the life of Peter. Our entire family is planning to attend.

Last but not least, so many of you expressed concern for us personally, as we felt a little beset by so many “cares of this world.” December to February had a number of challenges for us! An unplanned bathroom reno, and the day we were to finish the grout in the new shower the furnace died, then a few days after the furnace was replaced, our fridge gave up.

Thank you for your expressions of concern, as well as those of you who spurred us on and encouraged us to keep our focus on eternal things. We need those reminders and encouragements. An update: after 2.5 wks without a furnace during the coldest February since the Great Depression, we are now back to feeling cozy with our new furnace. (Neat story: we later found out that the day before our furnace quit, a supporter had sent us a gift, feeling a burden to help us out in an extra way. Truly, “our Father knows our need before we ask Him.” Matt 6:8).  We are thankful!

Once again, we are so thankful for so many of you who pray, partner and encourage us. We are blessed!

Troy and Naomi




Ministry Update :: No Ordinary Weekend

Dear Friends and Family,
We apologize for the long silence since our last Ministry Update. It’s not because we’ve been snoozing on the job, that’s for sure!

We’d like to ask prayer for a very important retreat taking place this weekend.

Beginning Friday, we will be helping at a retreat called No Ordinary Weekend. This evangelistic event is organized by local businessmen and women who have a desire to see people they know come to a clear understanding of the gospel.

For the second year in a row they have sponsored friends, family members, employees and business associates to attend a camp with their families, enjoying lots of fun activities and having some time away and, most importantly, to hear the Bible taught clearly so that by the time they leave, they understand the central message of the Bible. Last year we had about 90-100 adults. This year we are expecting around 65 adults. The children (roughly 50 of them) will be in a separate program during the teaching time and will be taught through GoodSeed’s childrens’ book, The Lamb.

Helping with the teaching is where Troy and I are involved. I will be a reader for the Scripture verses and Troy will be looking after sound/powerpoint/etc.

We’re very excited to see what the Lord will do through the lives of the attendees. Many who are coming are not believers; some who are coming are very shaky in their faith; others desire to simply understand a clear gospel.

Troy and I know several individuals who are coming whose salvation we’ve been praying about for many years. Will you pray that many will come to know the Lord? That the Holy Spirit will convict and illuminate the Scriptures for those who are in spiritual darkness? And that many others will be strengthened and equipped in their faith?

As a family and a ministry, we have increasingly felt the invisible spiritual battle going on. We have rarely had more “go wrong” in a short space of time than it has in the last several weeks. Here’s a few examples:

  • The house where all the books for this coming weekend were stored had a water leak right over top of the boxes of materials, destroying a good percentage of them. Thankfully, we’ve been able to get the materials replaced, though the damage to the basement has been distraction and concern.
  • Personally, we’ve had unexpected repairs we’ve been doing to our main bathroom throughout January. Then we became aware that our fridge is failing. Then our furnace died, right in the middle of the -30C (-22F) cold snap we’re having. (We’re so thankful for a fireplace to keep us warm!)
  • Our heating system in our GoodSeed office also went on the fritz for over a week due to some design problems, during the same cold snap. Up till a couple days ago, we were sitting in there working with winter coats on and space heaters at our feet.
  • We’ve had sickness, appointments, etc which are tiring and distracting.
  • We’ve had vehicle issues.

All these things have the potential of discouraging us, distracting us from our ministry, causing us to focus more on these temporal things, than on praying about and working towards eternal things. While we don’t feel discouraged, we have felt distracted!
Would you pray for us? We sure feel like we need it!

Thank you for standing with us and partnering with us in many ways, including prayer!

Naomi Johnstone, for the whole family

Ministry Update :: Oct 31, 2018

Last week we marked a major milestone–our new book was sent to the printers! This book, The Captive and the King’s Will, is a follow-up book to the GoodSeed evangelism books. For years, people have been reading these books and asking us “What’s next?”  Hopefully, this book will answer many of those questions.

While our other books are dedicated to salvation – explaining the Gospel and justification – this new book focuses on sanctification and the Christian life. John Cross has been working on this book for years, writing and testing it with Bible study groups. The last few months have been a bit more feverish as we got closer to press time. Naomi has been very busy proofreading and editing, and last week we hit the send button.

We are very excited to see this going to print and are trusting that this book will be a blessing to many!  We see the Lord preparing the way as two donors have already paid for the initial print run of the book. Please give thanks with us and pray with us about this project.
Read more and pre-order at:

In September, I (Troy) made a brief trip to Ontario and New Brunswick. While back home, I stopped in to the nursing home several times to visit my grandparents who had just moved in there. They had been living in their home for 60 years, and only just moved a few months before because of deteriorating health. I took this photo days before their 70th wedding anniversary! This is one of my last photos of them together, as my grandfather, Clarence Wheaton, passed away last week at the age of 91.


All three kids are now in the double digits, with Ethan joining the ranks this week.  So thankful for this healthy young man as he continues to grow (and grow, and grow…). Please join us in praying for Ethan that he would live a life honouring to his Saviour.

A recent quote from Ethan about going back to school: “I love school! It is like being on vacation but with something to do!”

Thank you for your prayers for us and our ministry with GoodSeed.
Partner with us:

Missed an update?

Ministry Update :: September 5

Life has been crazy busy for us lately. Despite that, we had a few chances to get away here and there as a family this summer. We camped a couple nights in Drumheller and took a road trip to visit family, friends and supporters in British Columbia. We also had visitors here when Naomi’s cousin and family flew in from the US. We’ve been thankful for these times to step away and get refreshed.


Right now our financial support is at about 61% of our goal. Please pray with us and for us as we need new partners to help us keep our household going.

United States:
More info at:

New Translation

Seven years in the making! Finally the Chinese edition of the book By This Name is now in print, a testament to the perseverance of the translator and those checking the manuscript for accuracy. We recently received images of the books in a warehouse in Asia, and hope to have a few in stock here in Canada soon. Please join us in praying for a bold witness as this evangelism and discipleship tool begins distribution.

Thank you for your prayers for us and our ministry with GoodSeed.

Ministry Update :: Changing the way we do our books

GoodSeed Canada is changing the way we do our books. Not our printed books – the evangelism resources used around the world – those will stay the same. I’m talking about our bookkeeping and accounting!

It is always a challenge for a ministry to find someone qualified and up-to-date on bookkeeping and accounting, especially if they are volunteering or have to raise support. Yet the rest of the ministry can’t go on without this important work. A few months ago, a friend told us about an organization that exists to help other ministries with these tasks.

We are outsourcing our bookkeeping and accounting to The Great Commission Foundation (GCF), a Christian organization that helps ministries with back office support. Their goal is to free people up to do the ministry of the great commission, and not have to keep up to date with the ever-changing charity laws and regulations.

GCF will be able to help us with accepting donations, tax receipts, payroll, annual auditing, and Canada Revenue Agency compliance. This will also make our bookkeeping arms-length for greater accountability.

As part of their service, GCF has created web pages for GoodSeed Canada to accept donations.

For Canada:

For United States:

This is a big change for us at GoodSeed, but this service will be a huge help for our ministry as we move forward. One of the changes will be that we will now have a 5% administrative fee deducted off all donations received. In the past, GoodSeed has not had an admin fee on donations, as our bookkeeping staff have been volunteers or missionaries. We have found this 5% to be very reasonable, as most missions charge quite a bit more. Please pray for GoodSeed Canada as we make this change and for Troy as he is in tasked with making it happen.


The month of March brought us to a milestone in our family. Our eldest daughter, Ellie, turned 13 – a teenager!

Typically, we do a family birthday adventure where we all go and do something fun together to make memories and celebrate as a family. For this milestone, we decided that we’d take Ellie on a parent/teenager trip, just the three of us, for the afternoon and evening. We spent some time hanging out in Calgary,  wandering a mall in the district, and finished off a gift card with some clothes that Ellie picked out for herself.

Ellie has also developed a liking for sushi. Not sure where that came from, but we took her out for supper at a Japanese restaurant.

Ellie saved up her money to buy herself a ukulele. She has been picking away at learning how to play it. (See what I did there?)

We love this young lady deeply and appreciate your prayers for us as we guide her through another stage of life into womanhood.