New videos

Lately I have been working on a number of new testimonial videos of people who have read and used some of our Bible study materials. Here is one from Jolene, a young mother who has been able to share her faith with many of her friends.

Ministry Update :: June 30, 2009

It has been awhile since we updated everyone as to what is happening with the Johnstones and there were a few things we wanted to let everyone know.

Naomi’s Grandparents
Naomi was down recently to Ontario to attend her Grandmother Ratcliff’s funeral. She also had the opportunity for one last, very precious visit with her Grandfather – he is not expected to live beyond this week. It was a busy, yet very special time. We are so thankful for the heritage of two faithful and godly grandparents. They have been faithful prayer warriors, encouragers and supporters of ours for many years and we will miss their presence in our lives.

A newsletter to tell you about a newsletter? Sure, why not. Starting July 1, 2009, GoodSeed is creating a new, monthly email newsletter:

This e-Newsletter will bring you up-to-date with what God is doing through the ministry of GoodSeed. Every month you’ll be encouraged by stories from around the world. You’ll get great tips and ideas for how you can introduce people you know to the God of the Bible using GoodSeed tools and resources. Keep an eye out for valuable discounts on our website, FREE resources, upcoming training seminars, and a whole lot more—available for you, our e-Newsletter members. Look for the GoodSeed e-Newsletter every month to be a source of information that will motivate you to share the Good News with others.

Sign up at

This Fall, Troy will be helping teach two seminars training people how to share their faith with others. One of the seminars is the one we do each year at the Word of Life Bible Institute in Owen Sound, Ontario. The other will be at my home church in Sackville, New Brunswick. This one will probably be the only one we do in the Maritimes.

If you are in either of these two areas, why not make the time to attend?

Seminar dates
Owen Sound, Ontario :: September 21-25, 2009
Sackville, New Brunswick :: October 29-31, 2009

Ministry Update :: March 23, 2009

Back in the summer of ’08 we launched a new and greatly improved website for GoodSeed. Our staff have been busy adding functionality and information about our evangelism tools and resources since then. Something that had been missing is the ability to purchase online for Canada and our other overseas offices. We are still a small organization and setting up and managing multiple stores for different currencies was no easy task, but through the hard work of a number of individuals, we now have a working online store for Canada in addition to the one for the USA. So, if you haven’t been by our web site for awhile, please head over to and check out the resources we have there. If you want to purchase something online, just click the appropriate country flag next to the Buy Online button.

The website can impact people around the world. Here is a story we received from a Doctor in Africa:

“I’ve been studying world religions for 2 years now (Gnosticism, Paganism, Buddhism, and a few others). At times, I’ve been very confused, but I think my faith in Jesus Christ is what is pulling me through. I just wanted to thank you for such a THOROUGH and informative website — your presentation is fantastic. I will be back. In my time of uncertainty, your website is helping me to put things in their proper perspective. Thank You & God Bless.”

Troy & Naomi Johnstone

PS. Did you know you can view the entire Stranger on the Road to Emmaus video book online for free? Check out the Bible 101 segment at

Bible 101 intro video I shot with John last year in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Ministry Update :: March 19, 2009

It is probably the most recognizable image for people familiar with GoodSeed, even more than our logo. The cover for The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus has essentially been the same for over ten years, with the orange and red colours, and the three men talking.

We have updated the cover to make it a bit more modern, and to make it look more like our other book, By This Name (pictured below), which has proven to have a big visual impact.

The old saying is true, people do judge a book by it’s cover, and, when placed side by side, people gravitate towards By this Name over The Stranger. We are hoping that with the new cover, people will be more drawn to it and willing to read it, whether they are just walking by a display or in a bookstore, or if they are given a book. Here is the new cover:


Eventually, we will also be putting out a new cover for All that the Prophets have Spoken as well. But for now, you can expect to see this new cover as we sell out of our old stock.

Below is a short video I recently edited together from footage we took last year in Scotland. We were talking to a family about how they had used our childrens book, The Lamb and it was really interesting to get the two young girls perspective on the book.

Ministry Update :: February 19, 2009

The last few months have seen GoodSeed spend quite a bit of money on new hi-def camera equipment and, most recently, a portable light kit that we can easily take on a plane if we need too.It is really nice to have good equipment to use, especially when we are replacing 10+ year old cameras.

Armed with all these new toys tools, I have been able to start capturing video that will be used in our upcoming training DVDs. This is a massive project with hours of footage to shoot and edit, but it will be much easier and better with the new equipment. For example, we have taken our new light kit to several locations offsite to capture footage of people who have been touched by the ministry of GoodSeed and wish to share their testimonies with others. This has included a Pastor who’s church hosted one of our seminars and is seeing the fruit of people understanding the Gospel more clearly; a former country music artist who uses our resources to reach her friends and family; a woman involved in ministry who really sees a need for sharing the truth of the Gospel without making assumptions of a persons understanding; and a few others.

For our video crew, it is a real blessing to hear these stories and see how what we are doing is impacting lives. As time goes on, I hope to be able to share more of these stories with you.