Ministry Update – Quotes

“Thank you for helping me see God’s Word more clearly”

“.. all in all, this study has given me a head start on how to win people to the Savior”

“It has helped me think some more about how to share the Gospel and how to counsel someone who says ‘what must I do to be saved?'”

“It has shown me a new and good way of teaching the Bible and the importance of a foundation in the Old Testament to understand the New Testament”

“I believe my knowledge, understanding, and faith in the Bible have all been strengthened because of this weekend.”

“Besides teaching me how to present the Gospel and the message of the Bible rightly and effectively, it has enlightened my eyes, my hear my life. I feel as I’ve regained my joyous countenance and am no longer lost, confused or unsure. I’m better rooted and can’t wait to be fed more…”

These are some of the comments we have received from students after being taught the material found in the book The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus. This past weekend I had the privilege and blessings of being a small part of the team who taught this material to our student body as a part of their personal evangelism training.

The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus explains the the Bible chronologically from Creation to the Cross and is intended for someone who knows little or nothing about the Bible. John Cross (the author who also happens to be Naomi’s dad!) and another GoodSeed missionary, Gaetan Pilon, and I were involved in teaching this book to the students using over 70 visual aides.

On top of this, we were able to spend time with both Naomi’s parents and my mother, who made her first trip to visit our new home in Ontario. Naomi and I were thrilled that both her parents and my mom were able to be here at the same time as they haven’t seen each other since our wedding.

Thank you for your prayers during this very busy time as the new school year starts.

Troy & Naomi

P.S. For more information about The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus, please visit the GoodSeed website

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