Long time no net

We started February with almost no snow. However, last weekend, Owen Sound was hit by a massive snow storm that gave us around 3 feet of heavy, wet snow. It was so heavy I broke my shovel trying to get our van out! It also knocked out power for a lot of people for up to four days. Also down was our internet provider. When they got their power back, they discovered a number of failed equipment.. long story to say that this morning is the first time we have had access to the internet and email since last Saturday. That is a long time when you don’t have television and your only other source of news is the radio.

To appease the relatives, here is a new video of Ellie (two flavours: small 5.6 MB or large 11 MB)

Andrew’s Visit

Naomi’s brother came down to visit on the spur of the moment a couple weeks ago. We had a busy, but good, time together. He and Ellie got better acquainted and we were able to visit with some relatives a few hours away.

The little Mushroom Head plays with daddy’s Nalgene while wearing U. Drew’s hat.

The Friday Report

It was busy, but we had a good time with our Campus Days. All told, we had 12 prospective students show up, a few of which had already applied. We also picked up another 5 applications today! It is a great encouragement to see these young people get excited about coming and studying God’s Word with us here at Word of Life.

Friday night I attended a concert performed by a bunch of guys from our youth group. Their band, ReBirth, is a Christian rock band. It was loud. Very loud. They were pretty good! But loud What..? did you say something?

Ellie has taken to standing up under our computer desk and then playing with the mouse. You will be working on seomthing and then the mouse moves on it’s own or clicks on something..