
Using Google Earth I was able to track my mom’s flight home to the Moncton airport on Sunday night. Google Earth is one of the coolest programs I have come across in years, and this is just one of the reasons why. Someone has figured out how to put a layer with information about the flight you are tracking on Google Earth so you can see the altitude, direction, and flight speed. You can try it for yourself at If you don’t have Google Earth, it still has an image showing the location of the plane.

Unfortunately, I didn’t take a screen capture while she was still in the air because you could see the (exaggerated) height of the aircraft as well.

I’m Surrounded by Turkeys


Naomi took this photo last week of the wild turkeys that kept showing up in our yard. Not the kind of birds I expected to see at my feeder… I was afraid they had surrounded the house and were going to demand retribution for our meal the other night. “Come out with your wings up!”

Fruit Explosion

For all those out there who don’t believe in absolutes, here is one you can’t argue with.

Rule: Before you shake any given food container, make sure the lid is on securely.

Note the pulverized plum on the table, floor, chair, high chair, pants, shirt, arm.. in fact, just about everywhere.