TERM Seminar

Last week I had the privilege of helping teach a seminar to our students and a few guests. TERM (The Emmaus Road Message) is a Creation to Christ presentation of the Bible, for those who know little or nothing about the Bible. We want to make sure that our students understand the Gospel, and are able to clearly share it with others.

John has taught this material many times and all over the world. I have been able to help teach the seminar the past four times here at our Bible school. This time was different for me as we were using a new manuscript. Previously we had used The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus which was geared for people from a “Christian” background or culture. This new book, which won’t be in print until next year, is for people from a polytheistic (many gods) culture or background. It is a major revision, as there are many different assumptions that must be made and more foundations laid before trying to explain who Jesus Christ is.

“In the beginning, God…” (What beginning? There was no ‘beginning’. And which of the gods are being mentioned here?)

Without these changes, taking extra time to carefully lay down foundational truths about God being unique, Jesus could easily be added on to one’s religion as just another god. You must make sure that people understand that He isn’t just another god, he is the one true God.

Students following along with the study

Comments from students after the seminar:

“The Emmaus Road message is a good tool to help tie together all the events in the Bible into the most important theme of the whole book. As Christians, sometimes we don’t see why certain events or stories are in the Bible until we realize everything happened because God was preparing for this one day when Jesus would die on the cross for all of mankind.”

“I have a better understanding on how to share my faith with others and answer their questions. I feel better equipped to talk to people about Christ.”

“The Emmaus Road study has been beneficial to me because it helped me learn more in depth what God has done for me and how all the Bible stories tie together. Now I can explain the Bible to others.”

“It’s really made me reflect on what I believe. I have grown up in a Christian home, but some things I never really got. The rat (illustration of our sin) on the cross was very symbolic to me. I finally realized that God poured out His wrath for my sin on Jesus for me.”

“Thank you so much for your lectures. It was the most biblical teaching in my life.”

“I learned a lot of how things tie together that I did not know before. Answers to questions that I was afraid I would not be able to answer if someone asked me to explain something.”

“This study has been beneficial because it really helped me understand why Jesus died and why all the other things in the Old Testament had to happen.”

“It’s been beneficial because now everything fits together. It’s like a puzzle and in the end it makes a beautiful picture. I believe in God and the Bible, but now the Bible makes a little more sense.”

“…I really appreciate being taught about it. I can now talk more about God’s Word to people, because I understand it so much better!

I’m looking forward to getting my hands on this new book!

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