What is with the socks?

Some friends recently posted about how their son, Evan (3 days younger than Ellie), likes to pull his socks off and carry them around. Ellie doesn’t do that often, but she is suddenly prone to taking a clean sock and wearing it around the house. On her hand..

Is this some sort of universal phase kids go through at 22 months?

What is with the socks?

She also likes putting on any pair of footwear that she can find.. her current favourite is her mom’s Sorel winter boots, which are a bit high for her. She gets around pretty good considering that she can’t really bend her knees.

Ellie dressing up

Ellie wearing her mom’s boots, headband, and mitts.

more photos at www.flickr.com/photos/johnstonekids/

Frozen Life

After several weeks, snow is returning to the snow belt that is Owen Sound. As with much of Canada, we have been having unseasonably warm weather the last few weeks, so much so that buds were growing on some trees and shrubs, spring flowers were starting to poke up from the ground. That may all freeze now as temperatures and snow start to drop. Starting to look better outside for Snow Camp!