
Recently I was invited to tag along with the annual gym class curling trip so I could get some photos for the yearbook. We had to take the students over two days as we have almost 50 this year, but I got lots of action shots… mostly of people falling on the ice. It was fun.

This is Kate. She complained the other day that she hadn’t made it to my blog the other day. So here is a montage of Kate’s curling experience.

Now to be fair.. I could have easily filled this entire post with pictures of other people laying on the ice, but Kate did want to be here. And she was on the ice more than anyone else.

And then there was Dave. Dave has been gifted with the ability to crash stuff. He has had a number of incidents this year (lets just say he isn’t allowed near my van..), but he now has an added distinction of being the only person I know to break a curling rock. Well, the handle at least. He fell on top of it with his back. So here is insult to that injury.

There was more going on than people falling.. some curling happened too. This is Maressa. I don’t think they have curling in Brazil, but she was doing pretty good.

Eric was practising his ballerina skills while Marty the vampire curler cruised down the ice.

See! It is real curling happening here.

No major injuries and everyone had a great time.

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