Awkward comments

Some people have a real knack for digging a hole for themselves.

A perfect example came my way as I was grocery shopping the other day. As a bit of background, I should tell you that I am expecting #3 in November. I have always gotten really big fairly fast, so I knew to expect a few comments and sideways glances with this pregnancy. But I was still taken aback the other day when a lady unknown to me approached me in the grocery aisle with great sympathy, clucking her tongue and saying in a loud voice, “You poor dear, you’re overdue aren’t you!” When I quietly informed her that no, I still had three months to go, she was shocked. “But you’re HUGE! And you’ve dropped!” After a few more similar comments, she suddenly seemed to realize that the conversation was becoming a bit awkward and she grabbed her cart and quickly moved on. While her outburst was not terribly good for my “self-image”, I have to admit that I FEEL overdue and will be very relieved when Johnstone #3 finally makes his or her appearance.

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