Mountain Mirage

Awhile I go I was driving to work on a cold, clear morning and suddenly hit the brakes. Something wasn’t right.. there was something that didn’t look the way it should. It took me a few seconds to realize that I shouldn’t be able to see the Rocky Mountains from this part of the road. Sure, after I round the corner they are there before me, but here, I couldn’t remember seeing anything more that just the peaks barely visible above the trees. Yet there they were..

Mountain Mirage

This mirage is caused by a temperature inversion of layers of air, creating an optical illusion. It was a strange sight as a drove to work and I stopped frequently to take pictures as the effect changed as I went up and down hills. Sometimes the tops of the mountains seemed normal, but there was this weird middle part that looked like it was stretched by a inept photoshop hack, other times the tops were inverted and cut off, and some times there were gaps in the mountain range where they just disappeared.

Mountain Mirage

mountain mirage air inversion

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