Welcome to the big 3, Adelaine

On the 28th, our little princess turned 3 years old!

It wasn’t such a great day for us as we spent 3 hours at the hospital trying to diagnose a bad cough in all three kids. We did finally get out of there and made it home for supper, and a small birthday party. We plan to have a party with her friends sometime after the whole Christmas season is past – alas.. the down side of a late December birthday. Anyway, we did want to have a little celebration on the big day with Papa, Grandma and Uncle Dew.



After the birthday cupcakes it was apparently time for wrestling. This went on for quite awhile with many giggles and squeals.


All the commotion drew Ethan Buddy in to see what was going on, and despite being sick, he got in on the squishin’ act.


The birthday girl giving a big hug to grandma.


Then it was time to get down to business: tearing paper. She gets lots of practice at tearing this time of year.



“A TUTU!!” I think she has about five tutus now, and wears at least one a day.


Here Adelaine receives yet another princess toy. We are suddenly swimming in princess paraphernalia around here, much to Adelaine’s delight.


Happy birthday, our dear, sweat little Adelaine! Daddy and mommy love you so much.

Ellie’s Christmas Concert

This past week, Ellie’s preschool put on a Christmas concert. We didn’t know how Ellie would do.. would she just stand there or would she get into it and enjoy herself? Naomi and I were delighted to see that she participated with the singing and actions and really had a good time!


Ellie and crew singing about how grandpas sleep on Christmas day.

Adelaine watching her big sis.

Santa dropped by, and Ellie didn’t quite know what to think of him.

All the kids received a book, and Ellie was happy to share it with others.


Afterward, there were treats and desserts for everyone. Ellie, as usual, was the last one seated, still eating. Her teacher says that is the way it usually goes during snack time at school.

Her eyes were bigger than her stomach, and she took way too much. She also had an animated discussion about her tomato.

Ellie later told Naomi that she was amazed that everyone sat there quietly listening to them and no one told them to be quiet.

It was a really fun night for us, watching Ellie enjoy herself with her school friends. If you would like to watch I have included the Extended Grandmothers Cut Movie of Ellie’s musical debut.

How to get the perfect Sunday afternoon nap

It’s Sunday afternoon, -27 C outside, couch is clear, and a fire is going in the living room. Perfect conditions for a nap.


With the miserable cold outside and a fire inside you have a valid excuse for not doing anything. Blinds are pulled to make the room a bit darker. Now stretch out on the couch and enjoy your deserved rest!

Then forget about it because you suddenly remember that you have three kids. First one comes along to snuggle up on the couch and all is still good. Adelaine lays there quietly for a minute and I wonder if she might actually fall asleep. That lasts until we are discovered by Ellie, who then wants to lay in the same place. A compromise is reached and Ellie now climbs on top. Then back down to get a blanket. Then the arguing starts over the blanket. That finally settles down and then the giggling starts. That’s when Ethan joins in.


As my dreams for dreaming start to evaporate, two of the kids get put to bed for real naps, and, eventually, I get one too.