Ministry Update :: March 22, 2010

I’ve been looking for a way to do a Bible overview so that I have a foundation I understand and can explain to others. This is solid material to help me do that. I hope to go through it time and time again so that the links between the puzzle pieces are secure. Thank you!
– testimony from the evangelism seminar

This past weekend we hosted an evangelism seminar with 31 people in attendance. I had the privilege of helping again with the teaching. Over three days we taught through the material in the book “By this Name” and additional material about how to teach it to others. In all, I think there were about 22 hours of instruction.

There was quite a mix of backgrounds and vocations among the students at the seminar. I had the chance to share a meal with one fellow who first heard the Gospel explained while in prison and now witnesses to people on the native reserve where he used to sell drugs. He was very encouraged by the Bible study and couldn’t wait to get back home to start using these new tools to help share the Gospel in that very needy community. We had a small group of people who were from Northern Canada Evangelical Mission (NCEM), a few pastors, and other laypeople who were looking for a better understanding of the Gospel and how to share it.

Other testimonies from the seminar:

… simple step-by-step walk through of the Bible. WOW. … Funny, I came so I could help others, God had me come to help me. Thank you.

The message of the good news has been made clear to me. I now fully understand why Jesus had to shed his blood by dying on the cross.

It has clarified the message of salvation by showing me how that message is throughout the whole Bible. Through the illustrations, the reality of what Jesus Christ has done is ever more real to me. It has also showed me the need for the person of Jesus Christ to be introduced to those I am talking to in a more substantial way in order for those to make a qualified decision to accept Him. Thank you!

I feel confident in being used by God to go through this study with some lost sheep in my life, and I can’t wait to get started with them!

It has made the entire story of the Gospel so clear to me… It has affirmed my faith made made me excited and more confident to share this good news.

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