Where do we stop?

This should be interesting to watch. The government of British Columbia and Canada has finally taken action against some polygamists in BC (www.ctv.ca/CTVNews/Canada/20101122/bc-court-polygamy-law-hearings-101122/).

A few years ago, then Prime Minister Paul Martin toured the world telling everyone who would listen (and even those who wouldn’t) that same-sex marriage was a “fundamental human right”, and shortly thereafter, it became legally allowed in Canada. I’m curious as to how the governments will now justify a law criminalizing one type of marriage but not another. What is the moral standard to say one is right and the other wrong? This was an argument used to oppose same-sex marriage, with some warning that polygamy and group marriages (multiple men and women in one big relationship) was the eventual outcome. Without some basis for morality, where do we stop?

As I said, this will be interesting to watch.

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