Ministry Update :: November 9, 2012

Home again!

Just over a week ago I landed back in Canada, ending my last trip for the year. I was returning from a 19-day trip to the United Kingdom and Ireland, where GoodSeed was testing a new workshop for our new WorldView Rethink curriculum.

First ever WorldView Rethink Workshop in Edinburgh, Scotland. This was the official launch of our newest material!

What is Worldview Rethink? Here is a short video (4 min) that we shot and I edited together explaining it:

Our team started out with six of us from North America and Sandy, who heads up our UK operations. We started with a one-day workshop in Edinburgh, Scotland where we did our first ever Worldview Rethink: The Workshop. From there, we conducted two Workshops in Derby, and our team split up to conduct one in Leeds. The remainder of our team then traveled to Northern Ireland and then Thurles in Ireland for the last two workshops.

Assisting with the teaching in Thurles, Ireland.

All together, we had approximately 175 people in total at the 6 workshops. We covered a variety of topics relating to the Gospel and and how to share it with others. We heard back from attendees that they were greatly encouraged about sharing this most precious message of the Gospel with others, and we had many people purchase our evangelism resources, including our new Curriculum kits and visual aid kits.

Please visit for more information about our new Worldview Rethink program.


Whenever I travel, it is always a privilege to meet other believes in the Lord Jesus Christ, to hear how their lives have been changed by the Gospel message and enjoy the fellowship with them.

It has been a very busy year for me and our family, with trips to India, Ontario, and this trip to the UK and Ireland. Things should settle down for a bit as I dig back into work on editing video for the “By this Name: Interactive Edition”.


We had many people praying for our trip back home. We had to fly from Dublin to London, and very quickly change terminals and try to catch our flight to Calgary. It was really important for me to catch that flight, or else I would miss Ethan’s 4th birthday! We are very thankful that the Lord answered those prayers and I just barely made the connection and was able to be back with my family for his big day! Check out our blog for more photos of the birthday boy.

Thank you for your prayers and support of our ministry with GoodSeed.

Troy & Naomi

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