Ministry Update :: May 16, 2013

Each year GoodSeed has a number of opportunities to meet the public and share with others about our books and videos that clearly and simply explain the most important message to man: God’s love and His plan of salvation. Because we are a small organization, we can’t do as many of these events as we would like to, but one that we are able to attend is a large home school convention in a nearby city.

As a home schooling parent, Naomi wanted to be involved in this event with GoodSeed, as she understands some of the challenges and needs of this community, and how GoodSeed’s evangelism resources can help parents. Here is her report:

Recently, I was able to represent GoodSeed at a provincial homeschool convention. While GoodSeed does not specifically cater to home educators, we have found that our evangelism tools are meeting a real need within that community. Many folks we spoke to expressed a real concern for their children:
How could they give their children a solid foundation in God’s Word?
How could they help their children understand God’s gift of salvation as their own, and not just their parents’ belief?

Some expressed concern over the worrying trend of churched children leaving the faith once they leave home. We were able to direct them to GoodSeed resources that would lay a strong framework of understanding on which kids could build everything else in life.

I found it quite thrilling to meet so many folks who deeply desired to obey God’s command of teaching their children about God and to be able to hand them easy-to-use tools to help them along in that goal.


Troy & Naomi

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