In Prayer

Naomi found a bug inside the house and decided to leave it for me. Not for me to squish because she was afraid going near it, but because she knows a bit about my endless curiosity of all things and my facination with praying mantids.

We don’t have these where I lived in New Brunswick, so I enjoy watching them when I do come across one here in Ontario. I took this guy outside and photographed him for a bit.

Cleaning (very short depth of field!)

I have a couple more photos on my Flickr account.


Amongst the nearly constant chatter coming from my daughter are several recognizable words.

ish! – fish (either enthusiastically pointed at in a book or the in the fish tank in our house)
tac-tor – tractor (waved at when someone is mowing the lawn)
ah oh – anything from dropping something to stubbing a toe
bawl – ball
nana – my mom
wawa – water
dado – ??

Other sounds:
aaaaah – pointing at a sheep
ooff ooff – dog
mmm mmm – cow
eee (inhale) aaa (exhale)- donkey

The Quiet In-between

After 10 months of near constant activity with our BI students, and then 7 weeks of intense activity with 100 campers plus camp staff.. it is suddenly very, very quiet around here. I expect a tumbleweed to blow across the yard any momment now.

The quiet won’t last long. We have less than 20 days until the start of our fifth class of students at our Bible Institute. Part of my responsibilities is as Admissions Coordinator, so these last few weeks are going to be busy getting things ready for their arrival.

Looking forward to the end of the quiet in-between!

Graduation 2006

For You are great and do wondrous deeds;
You alone are God.
Psalm 86:10 – one of many verses shared during our graduation ceremony today.

Grad is always one of those bitter-sweet times for our staff. We reflect on the great and wondrous deeds that we have witnessed since September as mark the end of another great school year. We also say goodbye to those who we have invested the past year of our lives in.

Through the year you work hard, you become friends with the students, see God working in and through the lives of the students. You see them grow and see how they challenge you.

Today I had the privilege of giving the benediction, praying God’s blessing on these students as they go from here to do His work in this world.

The ladies of the class of 2006 preparing for the start of the ceremony.

The choir sharing together one last time.

Congratulations class of 2006

We proclaim him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone perfect in Christ. Colossians 1:28