Merry Christmas!

Sunrise Christmas morning and the girls were up and getting ready for the busy day!

Ellie was very excited for Christmas. For a few days beforehand we would ask her what day was coming up and she would answer “presents!” We told her that that wasn’t what the day was called, and then would ask what Christmas was all about and she would then answer “Jesus is born.”

Ellie hugging presents on Christmas Eve.. materialism starts early

After the men cooked a mean breakfast, the kids opened their stockings to keep them out of trouble while we prepared for the rest of the day.

We then read the Christmas story and Ellie helped place the pieces for the Nativity set.

She made her own addition with her My Little Pony that she got in her stocking.

Adelaine helped Uncle “Dew” play some Christmas songs on his guitar. Her fingering needs help.

After this we got into the business of tearing paper. Ellie was only too happy to rip stuff open..

while Adelaine needed a bit more help. She was more interested in tasting the paper strewn about the floor than opening up presents.

This was definitely a girlie Christmas for Ellie. No trucks, tractors or toy snakes.. instead she got dolls, a doll house, a toy kitchen, frilly dress shoes, and so on. Both girls got lots of books and other things to keep them busy!

I received a GPS unit from my wife and family.

Now I can keep track of where important things are.. like where we parked the van and exactly where the chip isle is in the local grocery store. Never get lost again!

After a few hours more family started to arrive. We were able to get some wonderful photos of the girls happily sitting with Great Grandma.

After a huge meal we all relaxed with family and reflected on the blessings God has sent our way, the most important one being the birth of Jesus Christ, our whole reason for celebrating this time of year. I hope you had a great Christmas too.

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