Christmas Concerts

Tis the season!

For the first time all three kids were involved in the church’s Christmas concert. Thespian Ethan always wants to be up front with the other kids, so this was his chance. He did very well, trying to do all the actions. Adelaine was a bit shy..

Waiting for their turn.


Nice hat, buddy.


Ellie was also asked to help with the play. She got to play a kid belonging to a poor family.

Reading in bed


Adelaine takes a stack of books with her for her afternoon rest. She usually doesn’t nap, but she does go for a rest. The other day I heard Ethan go in her room after he woke up from his nap. I heard the two of them in there talking so I took a peek, and this is what I saw.



Fall is here and so are the clean up chores. Some chores just seem to attract kids and fun, and raking leaves is one of those chores.

Ethan and I went out one day to rake up leaves. We had assembled a large pile of leaves when the girls discovered what we were up to and came outside with their giggles to join us.

First day at school

This past week we had two first days at school. Ellie started grade one with homeschooling and Adelaine had her first day of Kindergarten.

Adelaine has been asking almost every day for the last six months how many days it was until she started school. When the big day arrived she was very excited! Despite the size of her backpack with all her school supplies for the year, she insisted on wearing it. She is so petite that it almost pulled her over backwards a couple of times. After her first week she is still thrilled about going to school and looking forward to her next school day.

Ellie seems to be doing very well with the homeschool and is thriving with the one-to-one attention from her mom.. er.. teacher.