A family quilt


A few years ago my mom presented us with a quilt she had made. The coloured squares on it were cut from some of my father’s old shirts. I still remember some of these shirts that he would wear at work or around the house. The quilt now is on Ethan’s bed, and he understands that it is very special. Every once in a while he talks about it and asks me about my dad and about heaven. I pray that the little guy finally gets to meet his grandfather there someday.

Thank you mom.


Ethor is Four!

Ethan holding the sign Ellie made for him.

Ethan buddy turned four years old this week. His birthday has been the subject of much prayer this year as it was also the day that I was to fly home from the UK and Ireland. We had a tight connection in London and a number of people were praying for me and the team to be able to make the flight and get home for Ethan’s birthday. We barely made it… Thank the Lord for answered prayer!

Ethan picking daddy up at the airport after a 19 day trip. I hope that that was a good birthday present.

By the time we had supper and got home it was almost bedtime, but we did open up a few cards and presents: Hot Wheels!

Ellie reading to Ethan the birthday card she made for him.

The next night we had some family over for  cake and a few more presents. Ethan had told Naomi that he really wanted a Spiderman cake, so she picked up a cupcake one for him.

Well of course, after the celebration it is time to put toys together with daddy and have lots of fun.

Monster trucks doing what monster trucks are supposed to do: crush cars.


Happy fourth birthday, Ethan buddy! We love you much and look forward to what this next year hold for you.



Epic Sword Battle

Elements of the 1st Spaz Battalion launched a surprise attack on an unsuspecting victim. The assault was carried out by mounted cavalry, and both light and heavy infantry, who attacked with ferocity, swinging their foam swords like wild, crazed people.

The heavy infantry in the midst of the assault.

The cavalry mounted on heavy war broomstick horses.

The defenders were able to use foam defensive weapons and tickles to drive the attackers back to their bedrooms where they barricaded themselves. While the battle field is quiet now, hostilities could resume at any time.


A little weekend project

Rifling around the shed I saw an old tire and decided it was time to get rid of it. Then I started thinking about if there was some way to use it around the house. First thought was a really nice planter for Naomi, but on second thought she probably wouldn’t like it. Since I couldn’t think of a cool medieval siege weapon that I could make from it, I opted for a tire swing.


What really motivated me was how Ethan is a die-hard swing fanatic. If he and I are both outside it is only a matter of seconds before I hear him yelling, “Can you push me!?” while he sits on the swing. How does he get there so fast?

If I give him a push and start to step away for any reason I hear, “Can you push me!?”

If both the girls get on the two swings (Only two swings. Three kids. See the problem?), Ethan forlornly sits down and says “Awww. Me NEVER going to get on the swing!!” If Ethan and Adelaine are on the swing and Ellie wants a turn, I might ask Ethan to get off. “Maybe Adewin get off.”

At three years old, he hasn’t quite mastered the whole selflessness thing. At 40, I haven’t either. So another swing was in order.


A tire swing is great! All three can get on it at once… They will never have reason to fight over anything again, right?