Ellie loves to read

Under Naomi’s tutelage, Ellie’s reading abilities have really grown in the last couple months. She now reads just about anything she finds.. and cereal boxes are suddenly a treasure trove of information! She even surprised me one morning by reading an upside down newspaper headline, which then forced me to explain a crime that it was about. Surprising for both of us perhaps.

We keep telling her that learning to read opens the door for her to learn just about anything, and she is trying! She also enjoys reading (perhaps it is showing off) to her sister…


and her brother while he.. uh. nevermind.




This past week, our big girl turned seven years old. I keep thinking I’m too young for this, but then I remember my sisters and I were starting to graduate high school by the time my dad was my age. But I digress…

For her, this was such a long time coming, with nearly daily questions for the last two months about how many days until her birthday. I think she has started counting for next year’s.

Happy birthday to our silly, insightful, curious, intelligent, sweet little Ellie!




Christmas Concerts

Tis the season!

For the first time all three kids were involved in the church’s Christmas concert. Thespian Ethan always wants to be up front with the other kids, so this was his chance. He did very well, trying to do all the actions. Adelaine was a bit shy..

Waiting for their turn.


Nice hat, buddy.


Ellie was also asked to help with the play. She got to play a kid belonging to a poor family.