
Posted by Naomi

I always thought of myself as having a black thumb, since house plants experience a steady decline from the moment they enter our home.

In other words, I kill plants.

So I figured any vegetable garden I planted would face a similar doom under my care. Instead, I discovered that I really enjoyed gardening. The excitement of planting a tiny seed and actually see the thing sprout, then the satisfaction of harvesting tasty organic vegetables in the end was definitely worth the minimal effort on my part (read: I get lazy about weeding). I’ve learned a lot about what not to do and a few things that I found worked well. The kids enjoyed helping me plant and harvest, especially Adelaine.

Ellie’s imagination would take off soon after work commenced and she’d forget that she was supposed to be helping.

And Ethan, well, Ethan was better at stomping on my plants than helping them to grow – at least the plants had to develop strong roots to withstand his trampling!

Adelaine, on the other hand, is a very hard worker when she sets her mind to it and she was a great help with planting my onions, shallots and garlic, and then later harvesting my potatoes. I have no clue how well my garden did – I have nothing to compare it to – but I would say we were at least successful at growing some lovely food and I look forward to another garden next year!

4 thoughts on “Gardening

  1. That’s awesome Naomi! I attempted a garden last year, just tried corn and pumpkins. The tallest corn stalk I had was about knee high 🙂 And the pumpkins…well, lets just say we never saw a think come out of those seeds 🙂 I will say though that the soil here in the Adirondacks is great at growing rocks, it seems every day there are more! I keep trying, I just know one of these days I’m going to have to just build a garden box and have the right kind of dirt brought in 🙂

  2. We definitely have the right soil here for growing stuff! I stuck with some of the easier plants to grow too, so I’m sure that helped. I don’t think I’ll ever try corn – not a long enough growing season up here!

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